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'Mini' MRI Outperforms 3-D Mammograms In Detecting Cancer In Women With Dense Breasts

NPR: A new study published in JAMA compares the effectiveness of abbreviated MRI and 3-D mammography to detect breast cancer in women with dense breasts.

When it comes to detecting breast cancer, a new study published in JAMA finds there's a technique that's even more effective than 3D mammography. Researchers have documented that a new abbreviated MRI, which takes much less time than a traditional MRI, is better at detecting cancer in women with dense breast tissue. ...

A technique pioneered in Germany reduces the MRI time down to just eight to 10 minutes in the scanner. And [Dr. Christopher] Comstock and his collaborators wanted to see if the results of these mini MRIs were as good or better than the results of 3D mammograms. They recruited a bunch of participants, about 1,400 women. READ MORE.

(Source: NPR, 02/25/2020)


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